Monika and Martha developed the basic 2-day training together:
"Brainspotting with Children and Adolescents"
It was later extended by a third day about parts work with children by Monika.
In June 2022, an advanced two-day training started, which again will be extended by a 3rd day in 2023.
Due to life's circumstances, trainings are now taught by Monika only - always thankful and honoring Martha's contributions.

Mag. Monika Baumann
Born and raised in a family of four children in Vienna, Austria
After school and first work experiences in tourism, she decided to study psychology.
Besides her studies she gained practical experiences in a neurological and psychiatric hospital for kids, followed by a three-year collaboration in the brain tumor unit for kids and adolescents at the university hospital of Vienna, taught and formed from Dr. Renate Fuiko.
She also received a scholarship for three-month participation in the CHOP/ Philadelphia/USA where she gained excellent general experiences with Prof. Dr.Jerylinn Radcliffe.
After her studies, she did a family therapy education and besides building her own family (three daughters) she always kept working as a licensed neuropsychologist and family therapist in her private practice.
Due to her husband's roots, she did a lot of volunteer work in South America, Paraguay.
After her first Brainspotting formation with Dr. David Grand and treatment experiences, she used the technique a lot in Paraguay. Besides treating adults she had amazing possibilities to treat kids and adolescents (as sometimes their parents, siblings, or caregivers) in a children´s home and in a countryside school.
Just at the time when she was so positively surprised about the success with the Brainspotting treatment in this age group, she went to New York for her first "Trainers' training" to become a Brainspotting trainer. Dr. David Grand connected her with Dr. Martha Jacobi and they started their first conversation about Brainspotting with kids and adolescents. This lead the two of them to the ongoing and outstanding teamwork and friendship they continue to have, with the aim to provide their experiences and knowledge to as many Brainspotting fellows as possible.
In 2020 she compiled her knowledge in a book ("Brainspotting with Children and Adolescents: An attuned treatment approach for effective brain-body healing"). You can find the book linked in the contributions section.
The Rev. Dr. Martha Jacobi
Martha grew up in Michigan, USA, where she studied music and trained pre-professionally in ballet first in Ann Arbor, and then completed high school at the Interlochen Center for the Arts. Being the daughter of 2 educators, she began working with kids as a camp counselor at Interlochen during the summer of her university years, in which she studied dance, humanities, mathematics & physics.
A call to pastoral ministry led Martha to develop ministry specializations pastoral care and religious education across the life span, into which she integrated her arts and performance background while serving as a parish pastor in the metropolitan New York City area. During this time she trained with Edwin Friedman in the application of Bowen Family Systems Theory & Emotional Process within religious settings.
Martha faced a vocational challenge when she lost her voice, temporarily, due to an illness, and for several years, lost the vocal stamina for full-time parish ministry. She returned to school, earning a Master's degree in Social Work (Columbia University, New York, USA), specializing at the intersection of family & children's services and mental health. Her doctoral degree came later (International University for Graduate Studies/Charisma University), focusing on the application of Brainspotting within religious settings of spiritual care.
Since then she has maintained a private practice and also worked in a family services agency, a mental health agency, and as a child/family specializing therapist in the post-9/11 program, Faithful Response. She accompanied Dr. David Grand to Newtown, Connecticut (USA) to provide humanitarian Brainspotting help to the children and families of that community following the school shooting there in 2012.
Having the good fortune to study with Dr. Grand since before his discovery of Brainspotting, Martha learned Brainspotting right away in 2003 and has been trained directly by Dr. Grand, with whom she continues to study.
Currently, in addition to her practice, Martha serves as a Pastoral Associate at St. Luke's Lutheran Church (New York City) and is the Associate Dean for the Brainspotting Concentration of International University for Graduate Studies.
Martha met Monika Baumann at a Brainspotting "Trainer's training" in New York, in 2014, at which they became colleagues, co-writers, co-trainers, and friends.